Royal Statistical Society,12 Errol Street, London, EC1Y 8LX, London
The presentations will focus on
important findings from a forthcoming edited book on the crime drop and will
draw on data from the International Crime Victims Survey (ICVS) and other
international data sources include the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
(UNODC) on homicide rates and the European Sourcebook on police recorded rates.
Observed and estimated crime rate trends will be presented and their
implications discussed. Dramatic changes in routine activities in society that
opened up crime opportunities and reduced risks explained the crime increases
since the Second World War. The same perspective can also be applied to help
explain the recent crime drops as well as the variations in trend and their
timing across different crime types.
Nick Tilley,
University College London
Tseloni, Nottingham Trent University
Jan Van Dijk,
Tilburg University, Netherlands
The session will be chaired by Chris Kershaw from the Home Office who will also discuss some specific findings from England and Wales due to be published in the book that may help to explain the divergence between crime trends and some public attitudes. Allan Brimicombe from East London University, who is also chair of the Crime and Justice Statistics Network, will act as the discussant.
Attendance is free and open to all, but pre-registration
is recommended. You can
register by email or by
phone (020) 7638 8998. For
further information about the meeting contact Chris Kershaw (
For directions see
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