Wednesday, 11 January 2012

ESDS Case Studies linked to Catalogue

The ESDS' library of 80 case studies is now linked to the data collections in the ESDS catalogue.

This means that when you search for a specific dataset, you will see case studies based on that data automatically appear on the right side of the catalogue record. For an  example, see this catalogue page for the Edwardians. You will also see relevant case studies appear on the ESDS major studies pages e.g. British Social Attitudes Survey list of datasets.

Related case studies will also appear on the right side of the web pages for ESDS Longitudinal datasets. For example, see the guide to the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing.

The entire library of ESDS case studies is also available in an easy-to-use faceted search interface, developed using Simile Exhibit, an open source application that harnesses the power of semantic web technology.

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