Thursday, 1 September 2011

Call for Papers: Minimising and Handling Non-response in Sample Surveys

Iers College (Irish College), Leuven, Belgium
Thursday 8 and Friday 9 December 2011

There is a large amount of research on the topic of non-response in sample surveys, from a design as well as from an analysis point of view. This seminar, organised by Jaak Billiet and Gert Molenberghs focuses on practical measures, classical as well as innovative, to address such non-response.

The seminar will host a maximum of 25 participants and we invite the submission of abstracts for presentations addressing the above topics. Abstracts (of no more than 250 words) must be submitted no later than 30 September, 2011.

There is no fee for attending the seminar and participants’ accommodation and subsistence expenses will be covered by the QMSS 2 programme, provided that they come from or are working in one of the 19 countries that support the QMSS 2 programme.

Further details are available from the QMSS 2 website:

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